Wednesday, March 28, 2007


"If you want to follow a practise, you have to follow someone who is realised. Methods are full of frustrations and give no real satisfaction. Reality has no method. Illusion has many methods, many problems and many concepts. To overcome illusion, or concepts, one should ask, "From where does all this thinking arise?" Thinking is always of other things. To know the thoughtless Reality, no thinking is required. It is where there is no thought. Whatever thing you think of doesn't exist. Everything is He only, and apart from Him there is nothing in the world. Whatever is thought of, makes Him something other than what He is. When thinking ends, what happens? You go to zero.

Awakening is nothing but a complete, thorough understanding. A clear cut understanding of a thing is awakening. Reality is not to be achieved, it is there. After this thorough understanding, nothing is required.

And we expect "awakening" to be some great, mysterious happening! "Reality is not to be achieved, it is there" says it all.


The Alchemist

One big company was hiring new staff, the question of
the written exam is:
You are driving a car on one big storm night, you are
passing a station,there are three people who are
waiting for the bus; one old
ladywho is dying, one doctor who saved your life
before, one guy/lady who is someone you have been
dreaming to be with.

You can only take one passenger, which one you will
choose? Please explain your reason.
Think about it before you read the following :

I am not sure whether it is some kind of personality
test, since every answer has its reason.

Old lady is going to die, you should save her first,
however, old people always end up dying anyway, you
should take the doctor,because the doctor saved my
life before, this is the perfect chance to pay him
back. At the same time, some people believe that you
can always pay the doctor back in the future, but you
may never be able to find the perfect lover once you
pass this chance.

Seems like this is valid reasoning.

But wait for a moment! Think about infinite
possibilities that nature offers every moment. Can you come up
with better possibilities? (I couldn't!)

Read the finish:

Within the two hundred candidates, the one who has
been hired did not explain his answer, he only simply
stated " Give the car key to the doctor, let the
doctor take the old lady to the hospital and I stay to
wait for the bus with the lady of my dream!"
Everyone I know think the above answer is the best
answer, but there is no one (including myself) can
think of this answer first. Is that because we never
want to give up any advantage we held in our hands
(the car key)?

Our actions flow out of conscious mind. But indeed, we are never really free to reason. That so-called mind has lot of filters.
It is like a computer program: The flow is decided by the initialized variables and incoming data. It is never free.

But an enlightened person is in a state of mind which is not "conscious" in a real sense. It just "Is". The actions are then not born out of the experience. They just happen. It is as if the future pulls yoy towards itself and you don't have to do a thing ...

So what is the source of this future? Obviously it is not something that is thought by you, right? It should necessarily be something outside of you ... It is as if the whole universe acts as one being....

Then what is the connection between universe, you and everything else? Perhaps it is Love?..................

To find out Read The "Alchemist Book".


Why I read and like books?

I believe in Jnana Yoga (i.e. understanding through knowledge rather than practices or beliefs) so i read books.

Change -- A Universal Law

A young monk went complaining to the Zen master: the regimen is harsh, joints cramp during meditation, the body aches, the mind drifts..."My son, don't worry, that will change," the master comforted the youth.

Later, he came back. "Thank you very much, master. Now I know the meaning of bliss. I know what I am, what is life's meaning. I feel eternal pleasure."

"My son, don't worry, that will change."


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Some thoughts

Try xoring together the Holy Bible and the Q'ran. Then reverse it and raise it to the power of a Sutra mod Torah. Then you shall have The Knowledge.

Place me in the company of those who seek Truth, but deliver me from those who believe to have found it.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


The right time to deal with a problem is right now.
whichever time you choose to solve them one of two things will happen:
1.It will grow and grow and grow until it explodes and will disappear for a bit,only to re-emerge and explode in the future
2.It will be get solved.

We can pretend they do/will. But they don’t. And often, the longer we wait the worse they are when we finally get to dealing with them.

So as you ask, “Why wait?”

right? So, the right time to deal with a problem is right now...........