Saturday, September 09, 2006


Black is beauty.

This is one of the abstract topics I came across and since I am damn jobless now(i have job but it is not helping me to improve my financial condition) and also it is my favorite color, I thought I would write on that. Black- this word reminds me many things like; the night sky, the eyes, the movie (also) and many more. I like this color so much; any thing I buy the first time for myself should be black. I have a strong desire to experience anything first time in black. This craziness can be attributed to me.
I love mystery, things which are not explicit, not quite comprehensible. The night time, at times the moonless pitch dark time is mysterious, when every one on this earth would be cuddled up in their caves, it seems to me as if the whole universe is laughing at us(people) for our cowardly act. It seems to me as if it is calling us for a fantastic exploration, asking us to use our brains in solving the puzzles and mysteries of night and revel in the revelation. This is the dark time when one feels the eternity, the whole thing dark and it is just you and you and you alone with the eternity.
Black is beautiful for it is mysterious and dazzling. It is attractive yet repulsive. It tells one so many things and yet none, it is elegant yet ugly, the paradoxes can be listed on and on. I would go to the extent of defining everything on this earth which is beautiful and also ugly as black. This may sound a little out of scope because beauty or the absence of it depends only on the perspective; something mysterious about the object defines both. If some thing is beautiful, then there is something black about it, something incomprehensible, some thing to be explored and the same holds for the opposite.
Black is beautiful because it gives rise to all other things, I mean all other things literally. Black gives rise to white; here the analogy may be from night to day. A lady’s womb is black which gives rise to the amazing life, it is in the black of meditation or peace is the enlightenment born. It is in the black does the union takes place, it is in the black every element is born.
It is in the black when the superior gains power, total control is established, intelligence resonates and everything reaches its peak. All these can be attributed to the color because it is the only color to my knowledge, which has no different shades; it is just the one and only color and is perfect. No varying shades which may cause confusion as to which is mentioned. It is the symbol of power, total control and unity, which is the master of all. It is mysterious for it symbolizes both power and self destructing qualities like hatred, jealously. It is intriguing because it doesn’t discriminate those explicitly, leaves it for the sixth sense, which is stimulating (mentally).
Black is absolute and is the supreme.


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